I have a skin condition called Tinea Versicolor. Can I get an airbrush tan?

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The short answer is-yes, but it depends on your goals.

If the goal of the spray tan is:
To camouflage and blend the areas where the Tinea Versicolor is present, the answer is no.
Spray tanning will not fade or blend the patchiness.  The patches will become more noticeable.  How much more noticeable?  That is dependent on many variables and each person will be different.  There is no way to gauge it prior to the tan and that is out of our control.

If the goal of the spray tan is:
To have an airbrush tan and you don’t mind the areas that currently have Tinea Versicolor showing up, the answer is yes. You can get a spray tan!  Tan legs are always a plus on vacation.  Typically, Tinea Versicolor is found on the trunk of the body, in the armpits, and less commonly on the shoulders.

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