Can I shave after a spray tan?

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The short answer is- you can, but it will take off the tan a little bit with each shave.

Shaving/Dermablading/Dermaplaning is a form of exfoliation for the skin.  All forms of exfoliation should be avoided after receiving an airbrush tan.  If you HAVE TO, there are some tricks that can help.

You want to avoid the amount of friction on the skin as much as possible by…

For body hair:
-Use a fresh/new razor at your discretion.
-Consider removing the moisturizing strip from the razor if possible.  If you have sensitive skin, this may not be an option.
-Consider using hair conditioner instead of a shaving cream or gel.  If you have sensitive skin, this may not be an option.
-No waxing or dermablading/dermaplaning, it will take the tan completely off.

For facial hair:
-Consider plucking or threading eyebrows instead of shaving.
-No waxing or dermablading/dermaplaning, it will take the tan completely off.
-For beards, using an electric shaver is best.  If you’d rather razor shave *one* time, it’s ok.  The spray tan will not completely go away, but use a fresh/new razor at your discretion.  Shave your face as you normally would with shaving cream/gel/etc.

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