How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?

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All canceling and rescheduling is done through the confirmation email by clicking the “My Appointments” button at the top of the email, or by logging in to your Schedulicity account.  There is no canceling or rescheduling done through the phone, in person, or through Dee as she is busy tanning clients.

You may cancel or reschedule an appointment any time prior to 24 hours of the scheduled time.  The scheduling system will not allow canceling or rescheduling within 24 hours.  Once an appointment hits 24 hours prior, it is confirmed. There is no canceling or rescheduling within 24 hours of an appointment, this includes appointments made within 24 hours of the appointment start time. This will be marked as a no-show and the card used to book will be charged.  This policy is clearly stated under the description of the service before the appointment is scheduled.  This policy is also stated in the confirmation email. Dee has a large clientele and once an appointment is reserved it is no longer available for others to book.

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