Vacation season is here! This is the stretch of winter in the midwest that feels like the LONGEST. We dream of tropical weather, beaches, and sun. But there are some common misconceptions when it comes to prepping our skin for our warm get-a-ways.
Myth #1:
Getting a “pre-tan” in a tanning bed prior to vacation will help your skin not to burn later. This is false. UV damage is UV damage, no matter what the source is. This does not protect you from getting a burn, it just adds to the damage. Check out this article for more information from a doctor’s perspective (warning: it’s a blunt read!).
Myth #2
A spray tan protects you against the sun. This is not true. You will burn and tan just like you normally do! But it sure is nice to have one! You won’t blind anyone with those Minnesota pale legs 😉
The only way to protect against UV skin damage is to wear sunscreen or stay out of the sun. But being in the sun feels good and we don’t see much of it 🙂 Just lather up on that sunscreen and have FUN! Sunscreen with not effect your spray tan and will actually help it last longer by moisturizing!
Happy Travels!