New Service Added: CBD Infused Spray Tans!

NEW SERVICE ADDED: CBD Infused Spray Tans are now available!!! Prices are for all clients (return & new). CBD Infused Full Body-$70 CBD Infused Express Full Body-$90 Skin care benefits of CBD: Helps restore balance so skin feels ***hydrated*** without becoming...

New Service Added: Premium Express Tans

I am always looking to push the bar further with my services.  I put a lot of time and effort into research to provide the most high-quality spray tans!  I’m excited to announce that I’ve added another Spray Tan Service! Express tans are very popular, it’s so nice to...

Express Tans Explained

Express Tans are very popular. It’s more convenient to be able to shower sooner and resume normal activities.  Here is how they work:   -The difference is in showering time. -You can shower it off between 2-4 hours, depending on your skin type and how dark you...
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